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Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series

Suckers and segments of the octopus arm

Clifford Ragsdale

University of Chicago

Monday 11. December 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Oleg Simakov

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

KLEIFELD Justus (Urban)
ORLIC Lucija (Matos)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 11. December 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

CMESS Lecture Series

Phage therapy for treating bacterial infections: a double-edged sword

Shawna McCallin

Balgrist University Hospital Zürich

Monday 11. December 2023 13:30

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 3

Hosted by:
Adrian Tett, Lovro Trgovec-Greif