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GMI Seminar

Lineage-specific emerging genes in plant evolution

Kousuke Hanada

Kyushu Institute of Technology

Friday 01. December 2023 11:30

@ GMI Orange Seminar Room

Hosted by:
Magnus Nordborg

GMI Impromptu Seminar

Dissecting the turgor sensing mechanisms in the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

Lauren Ryder

The Sainsbury Laboratory

Monday 04. December 2023 11:00

@ GMI Orange Seminar Room

Hosted by:
Yasin Dagdas

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

TSAREV Aleksandr (Ameres)
BOURGUET Pierre (Berger)
ABESAMIS Kim Ivan (Dong)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 04. December 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

SFB Seminar

SUMO rules

Andrea Pichler

ETH Zürich

Tuesday 05. December 2023 11:30

@ Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6th floor)

Hosted by:
Peter Schlögelhofer

Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series

scRNA and phylogenetics

Arndt Von Haeseler

Max Perutz Labs

Tuesday 05. December 2023 13:15

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 1

Hosted by:
Uli Technau

GMI Impromptu Seminar

Pikobodies: What does it take to bioengineer NLR immune receptor-nanobody fusions

Jiorgos Kourelis

The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich

Tuesday 05. December 2023 14:00

@ GMI Orange Seminar room

Hosted by:
Yasin Dagdas

VBC Regular Seminar

Regulation of Cerebral Cortex Morphogenesis by Migrating Cells

Laurent Nguyen

University of Liege

Thursday 07. December 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Noelia Urban

VBC Regular Seminar

Gene regulatory mechanisms governing human development, evolution and variation

Joanna Wysocka

Stanford University

Thursday 07. December 2023 13:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Christa Bücker

Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series

Suckers and segments of the octopus arm

Clifford Ragsdale

University of Chicago

Monday 11. December 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Oleg Simakov

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

KLEIFELD Justus (Urban)
ORLIC Lucija (Matos)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 11. December 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

CMESS Lecture Series

Phage therapy for treating bacterial infections: a double-edged sword

Shawna McCallin

Balgrist University Hospital Zürich

Monday 11. December 2023 13:30

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 3

Hosted by:
Adrian Tett, Lovro Trgovec-Greif

New Developments in Chromosome Biology

CRISPR jumps ahead: mechanistic insights into CRISPR-associated transposons

Irma Querques

Dept. Structural Biology & Computational Biology

Tuesday 12. December 2023 11:30

@ Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6th floor)

Hosted by:
Peter Schlögelhofer

Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series

Using the house mouse radiation to study the rapid evolution of genes and genetic processes

Diethard Tautz

MPI Plön

Tuesday 12. December 2023 13:15

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 1

Hosted by:
Uli Technau

PhD Defense

Connecting enhancer proteomes and the cis-regulatory code

Franziska Reiter

IMP - Stark Lab

Wednesday 13. December 2023 15:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

SHULKINA Alexandra (Versteeg)
GEETHA Sowmya (Jantsch)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 18. December 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology

SLiMs and SHelMs: Decoding how short linear and helical motifs direct PPP specificity to direct signaling

Wolfgang Peti

University of Connecticut Health Center

Monday 18. December 2023 14:00

@ MFPL main building, 6th floor SR1/2

Hosted by:
Egon Ogris and Thomas Leonard