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Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

PACHECO FIALLOS Franics Belen (Plaschka)
FONTES OLIVEIRA Tiago Manuel (Penninger)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 03. July 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Impromptu Seminar

The Mirage of Biosocial Complexity: Critique and Collaboration Around the Tools of Epigenetics

Luca Chiapperino

Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), University of Lausanne

Tuesday 04. July 2023 17:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Vienna Open Lab

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

KHALDIEH Nina (Ameres)
LORENZO ORTS Laura (Pauli)
ROSS James (Burga)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 10. July 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Max Perutz Labs Impromptu Seminar

Stem cells in Platynereis

Guillaume Balavoine

Institut Jacques-Monod, Paris

Thursday 13. July 2023 11:00

@ Max Perutz Labs SR 6.507 (6th floor)

Hosted by:
Florian Raible

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

RAFFL Gerald (Ameres)
SAJTOS Bettina (Zuber)
LANGER Christoph (Gerlich)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 17. July 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Impromptu Seminar

Spinal cord regeneration in the axolotl under control (of a Reaction-Diffusion signal?): a modelling idea

Osvaldo Chara

University of Nottingham

Wednesday 19. July 2023 11:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Leo Otsuki

VBC Regular Seminar

Decoding Regulatory DNA: Insights Gained Through Deep Learning Models

Anshul Kundaje

Stanford University

Thursday 20. July 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Alex Stark

Impromptu Seminar

Exploring daily activity patterns, ecology, and genetics across hyperdiverse Lake Tanganyikan cichlids

Annika Nichols

The University of Basel

Friday 21. July 2023 11:30

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 2

Hosted by:
Manuel Zimmer

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

STEINACKER Thomas (Gerlich)
EDER Stephanie (Zimmer)
TIKANOVA Polina (Burga)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 24. July 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Max Perutz Labs Impromptu Seminar

Centrosomes and cilia, in development, cancer and evolution

Monica Bettencourt-Dias

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia

Friday 28. July 2023 10:00

@ Lecture hall A&B, VBC5

Hosted by:
Alex Dammermann

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

SCHELLHAAS Ulla (Plaschka/Ameres)
VERTESY Abel (Knoblich)
VULIN Milica (Obenauf)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 31. July 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

2023 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Seminar Series

Inequalities in science and how to tackle them

Fariba Karimi

Complexity Science Hub Vienna

Monday 31. July 2023 14:15

@ IMP Seminar Room 1.014/16

Hosted by:
EDI group