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Structural guided nanobodies against covid19 and tomography in a box

Jim Naismith

The Rosalind Franklin Institute, Oxfordshire

Thursday 01. June 2023 14:00

@ VBC5 Lecture Hall A+B

Hosted by:
David Haselbach

Impromptu Seminar

Probing chromosome mechanics in the interphase nucleus

Antoine Coulon

Institut Curie

Friday 02. June 2023 10:00

@ GMI Orange Seminar Room

Hosted by:
Anton Goloborodko and Daniel Gerlich

GMI Seminar

The Birth and Death of Macromolecular Complexes in Eukaryotic Evolution

Berend Snel

Utrecht University

Friday 02. June 2023 11:30

@ GMI Orange Seminar Room

Hosted by:
Fred Berger

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

JONASSON Mattias (Tanaka)
HOHMANN Ulrich (Brennecke/Plaschka)
MANOLOVA Toni (Falk)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 05. June 2023 14:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

New Developments in Chromosome Biology

Is cohesin necessary for transcription? Molecular entities of transcriptional dysregulation in the absence of cohesin revealed by analysis of transcription elongation complexes

Katsuhiko Shirahige

Karolinska Institute

Tuesday 06. June 2023 11:40

@ VBC5 Lecture Hall A

Hosted by:
Franz Klein

Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series

The Earth BioGenome Project: Progress Toward a New Synthesis in Evolution Science

Harris Lewin

UC Davis

Tuesday 06. June 2023 13:15

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 1

Hosted by:
Darrin Schultz and Oleg Simakov

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

SCARAMUZZA Federico (Tessmar)
KROGULL Daniel (Burga)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 12. June 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

New Developments in Chromosome Biology

Characterisation of Vpr1, a novel protein involved in DSB repair

Mustafa Alaabo

Dept. Chromosome Biology, Univ. Vienna

Tuesday 13. June 2023 11:40

@ VBC5 Lecture Hall A

Hosted by:
Franz Klein

Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series

The recently discovered ties between teeth and infants in human evolution

Leslea Hlusko


Tuesday 13. June 2023 13:15

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 1

Hosted by:
Nicole Grunstra

VBC Regular Seminar

New insights in gene regulation and chromatin folding by enhancers and cohesin

Wouter de Laat

Hubrecht Institute

Thursday 15. June 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Christa Bücker

CMESS Lecture Series

Marine symbioses fueled by wood

Dan Distel

Ocean Genome Legacy Center

Thursday 15. June 2023 12:00

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 2

Hosted by:
Jillian Petersen

Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology

Probing multi-scale dynamics in complex fluids and biological systems with differential dynamic microscopy

Roberto Cerbino

University of Vienna

Thursday 15. June 2023 14:00

@ VBC5 Lecture Hall A+B

Hosted by:
Arthur Sedivy

PyP Morning lecture

Cardioids unravel human cardiac development and disease

Sasha Mendjan


Friday 16. June 2023 09:00

@ Zoom

Impromptu Seminar

Molecular mechanism analysis involved in mitochondrial sheath formation and spermiation processes using gene-manipulated mice

Keisuke Shimada

Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University

Friday 16. June 2023 10:30

@ IMP Seminar Room 1.014/16

Hosted by:
Andrea Pauli

PhD Defense

Time-controlled CRISPR screens to dissect gene functions and regulatory networks

Matthias Hinterndorfer

IMP - Zuber Lab

Friday 16. June 2023 14:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Impromptu Seminar

Genetic approaches in human cells to expose ‘hidden’ biology

Thijn Brummelkamp

NKI / Oncode Institute

Friday 16. June 2023 16:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Johannes Zuber

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

JELENIC Stela (Saha)
ABDRAKHMANOV Alibek (Dagdas)
GALUSKA Philipp (Djinovic)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 19. June 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

PhD Defense

Leveraging species specificity to gain molecular insights into fertilization and the timing of zygotic genome activation

Krista Briedis

IMP - Pauli Lab

Monday 19. June 2023 15:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

PyP Morning lecture

Mechanisms of Selective Autophagy

Sascha Martens

Max Perutz Labs

Tuesday 20. June 2023 09:00

@ Zoom

Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology

Exploiting a unique post-translational modification to enhance subunit selection and activity of a tumor suppressor complex

Derek Taylor

Departments of Pharmacology & Biochemistry,Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OHIO

Tuesday 20. June 2023 14:00

@ Lecture Hall A&B, VBC5

Hosted by:
Thomas Leonard and Egon Ogris

PyP Morning lecture

The Chloroplast Unfolded Protein Response

Silvia Ramundo


Wednesday 21. June 2023 09:00

@ Zoom

Impromptu Seminar

From non-coding RNAs to non-canonical Mutations in Cancer

Sven Diederichs


Wednesday 21. June 2023 16:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Julius Brennecke

PhD Defense

The role of MAPK and WNT in tumorigenesis of gastric and liver cancer

Isaree Teriyapirom

IMBA - Koo Lab

Thursday 22. June 2023 10:00

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 3

VBC Regular Seminar

How chromosome architecture shapes brain architecture

Daniele Canzio


Thursday 22. June 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Anton Goloborodko

CMESS Lecture Series

Microbial trait-based scaling from single populations to communities with consequences for ecosystem processes

Ashish Malik

University of Aberdeen

Thursday 22. June 2023 12:00

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 2

Hosted by:
Andreas Richter

Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology

Chemical tools to study nucleic acids by biophysical methods

Christoph Kreutz

University of Innsbruck

Thursday 22. June 2023 14:00

@ VBC5 Lecture Hall A+B

Hosted by:
Georg Kontaxis

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

MAYER Rupert (Proteomics Tech Hub)
WILLIAMS Thomas (Clausen)
GEISMANN Maximilian (Balzarotti)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 26. June 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

PhD Defense

From neuroepithelial morphogenesis to circuit formation: using organoid technologies to understand human brain development.

Catarina Da Cunha E Silva Martins Costa

IMBA - Knoblich Lab

Monday 26. June 2023 16:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

PyP Morning lecture

Why is the cell nucleus round?

Alwin Köhler

Max Perutz Labs

Tuesday 27. June 2023 09:00

@ Zoom

Impromptu Seminar

Cellular crosstalk in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Silvia Cappello

MPI of Psychiatry Munich

Tuesday 27. June 2023 10:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Jürgen Knoblich

Impromptu Seminar

Reactive astrocytes as the cause of Alzheimer s disease

C. Justin Lee

Center for Cognition and Sociality at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

Tuesday 27. June 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Bon-Kyoung Koo

SFB Meiosis Monthly Meeting

Comprehensive and quantitative characterization of aneuploidy phenotypes

Manuela Sophie Koller

Dept. Chromosome Biology, Univ. Vienna

Tuesday 27. June 2023 11:40

@ VBC5 Lecture Hall A

Hosted by:
Chris Campbell

PyP Morning lecture

BacPROTACS - antibiotics of the future?

Tim Clausen


Wednesday 28. June 2023 09:00

@ Zoom

PyP Morning lecture

From stem cells to reconstruction of neuronal circuits in the diseased brain

Sofia Grade


Thursday 29. June 2023 09:00

@ Zoom

Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology

Predicting free-energy differences from accelerated enveloping distribution sampling

Chris Oostenbrink


Thursday 29. June 2023 14:00

@ VBC5 Lecture Hall A+B

Hosted by:
Kristina Djinovic-Carugo

CMESS Lecture Series

Top down and bottom up exploration of human gut microbial communities

Karoline Faust

KU Leuven

Thursday 29. June 2023 15:00

@ UBB - Lecture Hall 2

Hosted by:
Lucia Fuchslueger