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ISRB Meeting

More information

Sunday 03. September 2023 14:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

BLAHA Andreas (Pauli)
OKUN Anastasia (Karagöz)
JUNG Pauline (Obenauf)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 04. September 2023 12:30

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

VBC Regular Seminar

From glycogen to ubiquitin and back again

Sir Philip Cohen

University of Dundee

Thursday 07. September 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Egon Ogris

IMP Impromptu Seminar

Tissue-clearing, light-sheet imaging and image analysis - How to make the right decisions?

Marko Pende

Mount Desert Biological Laboratories

Friday 08. September 2023 13:00

@ IMP Seminar Room 1.014/16

Hosted by:
Elly Tanaka

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

LICHT-MAYER Simon (Penninger)
PUEHRINGER Florian (Burga)
ADELMANN Leonie (Raible)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 11. September 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

PhD Defense

Recovery, quantification and error correction of nucleotide conversions in epitranscriptomics sequencing datasets

Tobias Neumann

IMP - Obenauf Lab

Monday 11. September 2023 13:30

@ Lecture Hall B, VBC5

VBC Regular Seminar

Pyroptosis: from antibacterial to antitumor immunity

Feng Shao

National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing

Friday 15. September 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Pavel Kovarik

Max Perutz Labs Impromptu Seminar

Targeting the Cell’s Stress Pathways for Therapeutic Benefit

Peter Walter

Altos Labs, UCSF

Friday 15. September 2023 14:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Elif Karagöz, Silvia Ramundo

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

SHUNMUGAM Dhanlakshmi (Baccarini)
CECI GINISTRELLI Lavinia (Mendjan)
GRABARCZYK Daniel (Clausen)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 18. September 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

VBCF Lunch & Learn Seminar

Refining in vivo physiological monitoring in cardiovascular, neurological and metabolic research

Dr. Sylvia Badurek (VBCF Preclinical Phenotyping Facility)
Dr. Frone Vandewiele (DSI)

Tuesday 19. September 2023 12:30

@ IMP Seminar Room 1.014/16

Hosted by:

Max Birnstiel Lecture

Prokaryotic cytoskeletons: filaments organising small cells

Jan Löwe

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Wednesday 20. September 2023 11:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Jan-Michael Peters

Max Perutz Labs Impromptu Seminar

The Molecular Acrobatics of Autophagy

James Hurley

UC Berkeley

Friday 22. September 2023 11:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Sascha Martens

IMP Impromptu Seminar

Structural guided nanobodies against covid19 and tomography in a box

Jim Naismith

Rosalind Franklin Institute

Friday 22. September 2023 14:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
David Haselbach

Monday Seminar

Monday Seminar (Internal)

KOK Jian Yi (Berger)
GROH Roan (Dagdas)
SODERHOLM Adrian (Versteeg)

Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs

Monday 25. September 2023 12:30

@ IMP Lecture Hall

VBC Regular Seminar

From chromosome folding by loop extrusion to anti-plasmid nucleases in bacteria

Stephan Gruber

University of Lausanne

Thursday 28. September 2023 11:00

@ IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Franz Klein

VBC Regular Seminar

Identifying and exploiting cell-state dependent metabolic programs

Lydia Finley

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Friday 29. September 2023 11:00

@ IMP Lecture Hall

Hosted by:
Johannes Zuber